International Zeolite Corp. announced that trial results from independent studies of its new plant growing family of products, NEREA ® - a revolutionary breakthrough in agricultural technology and crop science - showed significant benefits compared to conventional commercial grow methods. NEREA® is a proprietary technology that embeds the complete suite of plant-required nutrients directly into zeolite, a naturally occurring nano-structured mineral with a broad array of beneficial properties. As previously reported NEREA® when used as a substrate or soil amendment in agriculture. reduces fertilizer waste and runoff by up to 90%, has proven to produce higher yields of crops by 20-30% (and achieves a higher quality of
agricultural product faster), lowers water use water by up to 30% or more, and reduces plant infection by fungi, viruses and other pathogens. Based on naturally occurring products, NEREA substrates are environmentally friendly and do not produce wastes that damage the environment. IZ holds an exclusive license to produce and market NEREA in North America.
NEREA ® is a holistic agricultural solution that provides both financial and environmental benefits. It improves commercial agriculture financial performance and efficiencies, while also proving to be environmentally safe. By holding and slowly releasing nutrients and water to plant roots, NEREA® reduces fertilizer and water costs while decreasing agricultural runoff and promoting soil sustainability. These are material benefits that extend from the farmers and growers to the consumers and the environment in which they all live. The Company has conducted numerous independent research projects with results validating that NEREA® enables crops to mature more quickly, shortening crop cycle and increasing yield while.