Privia Health Group, Inc. announced that Adam Boehler, founder and Managing Partner of Rubicon Founders, will join the Company's Board of Directors effective July 1, 2023. He will replace Will Sherrill, Principal with Pamplona Capital, who is resigning his Board seat effective July 1, 2023 following Pamplonas sale of its ownership position in Privia Health through a secondary offering that closed on May 8, 2023. Parth Mehrotra, currently the Companys President and Chief Operating Officer, will also join the Board effective July 1, 2023, the date when he becomes the Company’s CEO.

Current CEO Shawn Morris, who is retiring, will remain on the Board. In connection with these elections, the size of the Board was increased to ten directors. Mr. Boehler established Rubicon Founders in 2021.

Prior to that, he served as the first CEO of the U.S. International Development Finance Corporation, the U.S. Government's $60 billion international investment arm. From July 2018 to October 2019, Boehler served as Senior Advisor for Value-based Transformation and Innovation to the Secretary of the Department of Health and Human Services (HHS). Previously, he served as Deputy Administrator of the Centers for Medicare &Medicaid Services (CMS) and as Director of the Innovation Center at CMS (CMMI) where he focused on transforming the American healthcare system to create better outcomes for patients at lower cost.

From 2012 to 2018, Boehler founded and served as CEO of Landmark Health, a company delivering around-the-clock medical care to chronically ill patients in their homes. Boehler graduated magna cum laude from the Wharton School of the University of Pennsylvania.