Digital Destination Company agreed to acquire S.P.A. (BIT:SOS) from RG Holding S.r.l. and others for ?5 million in a reverse merger transaction on May 5, 2022. 5.9 million SosTravel ordinary shares will be assigned to Digital Destination Company shareholders. All Members Of's Board of Directors will resign following merger. As of September 29, 2022, and Digital Destination Company (DDC) signed the deed of merger by incorporation of DDC into SOS, in implementation of the resolutions passed by the shareholders' meetings of SOS and DDC. The statutory effects of the Merger will be produced on November 1, 2022.The transaction is subject to approval of shareholders of SosTravel and has been approved by the Board of As of September 29, 2022 The statutory effects of the Merger will be effective as of November 1, 2022. Gianni & Origoni Law Firm and Audirevi SpA acted as legal advisor and accountant to Digital Destination Company respectively. Bordiga-Xerri Law Firm acted as legal advisor to S.P.A. and RG Holding S.r.l. Banca Finnat Euramerica S.p.A. is the Euronext Growth Advisor of S.P.A. and advised in regulatory aspects to Digital Destination Company.

Digital Destination Company completed the acquisition of S.P.A. (BIT:SOS) from RG Holding S.r.l. and others in a reverse merger transaction on November 1, 2022.