BERLIN (dpa-AFX) - The planned legalization of cannabis in Germany can come. According to dpa information, the federal cabinet in Berlin approved the corresponding bill by German Health Minister Karl Lauterbach (SPD) on Wednesday. After the decision in the cabinet, the law must still pass through the Bundestag and Bundesrat. According to the Ministry of Health, however, it does not require approval in the state chamber. The ministry expects it to come into force by the end of the year.

The plans are to remove cannabis from the list of prohibited substances in the Narcotics Act. From the age of 18, possession of 25 grams is to be permitted. Privately, a maximum of three cannabis plants are to be allowed to be cultivated. In special associations, so-called cannabis clubs, members are to be allowed to grow the drug collectively and distribute it to each other.

Even before the bill was passed, there had been renewed criticism from the CDU/CSU and from associations from the judiciary, police and healthcare sectors. They warn of health risks for young people and of additional burdens for investigators and courts. The federal government defends the plan with the argument that it has curbed the black market and organized crime and reduced health risks from possible toxic admixtures. Moreover, consumption had increased despite the previous ban./jr/DP/mis