During a virtual ceremony, Alstom received the 'Factory of the Future 2020' Prize and thus joined the club of Walloon and Flemish pioneers at the forefront of industrial optimization.

Organise depuis 2015 par Agoria (Federation des Entreprises technologiques de Belgique) et l'Agence du Numerique de la Region Wallonne, ce prix recompense les initiatives innovantes et les precurseurs en termes de transformation numerique et technologique. Ce titre, valable pour une duree de 3 ans, a ete attribue cette annee a 2 entreprises en Flandres et 2 en Wallonie.

Pour devenir des Usines du Futur, les entreprises doivent etre engagees sur les sept transformations cles de la methodologie utilisee dans le cadre de ' Made Different Digital Wallonia ', programme d'accompagnement des entreprises industrielles dans leur transformation numerique et technologique qui s'inscrit dans une demarche industrie 4.0.

'In order to remain efficient and to be a company of the future, Alstom must constantly reinvent itself,' explains Xavier Champaud, General Manager of the Charleroi site. Our two centers of excellence are in charge of defining new digital and energy conversion solutions for the rest of the group. This is also accompanied by the improvement of production processes and associated working methods. It is clear that these innovations and these transformations cannot be conceived without putting people at the heart of the company. This award confirms our action and Alstom Charleroi will continue to deploy digitalization projects '.

Alstom Belgium is a major player in mobility in Belgium. The company has developed two unique centers of excellence in the Alstom group on a global level: on the one hand digital signaling, with in particular the European ERTMS-ETCS system which allows a harmonious circulation between the different European networks, and on the other hand electrical energy conversion systems on board trains. For several years, this department has also been interested in energy recovery and storage in order to improve the energy efficiency of transport systems. Finally, Alstom Belgium supports its customers in the field of services such as the manufacturing and management of spare parts, maintenance, repair and modernization of existing systems.

The Charleroi site is above all a research and development site. Within the site, a strong engineering activity employs almost half of the staff, or nearly 500 of the 1,250 employees. The other activity is that of the production of prototypes and pre-series.

Press contact - Belgium - Luxemburg- Netherlands

Sonia Thibaut

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