WEST PALM BEACH, Fla., Jan. 9, 2014 /PRNewswire/ -- Jeffrey D. Fisher and Zachary R. Potter of Fisher & Bendeck, P.L. published an article on the "Tax Consequences Of Distributing Equity Compensation Rights In Divorce" in the January 2014 edition of the prestigious Florida Bar Journal. The complex mechanics and tax consequences of distributing restricted stock, vested and unvested stock options, and other forms of equity compensation is an increasingly important issue in "big stakes" divorce cases involving corporate executives and their spouses.

(Photo: http://photos.prnewswire.com/prnh/20140109/FL44019-a )
(Photo: http://photos.prnewswire.com/prnh/20140109/FL44019-b )

The genesis of the article was Mr. Fisher and Mr. Potter's work in cases over the last three years where more than $4.5 billion in assets have been divided, including cases where the valuation, division, and tax treatment of equity compensation held by top executives of Fortune 500 companies were the critical issues in the case. Mr. Fisher explained, "The failure to be conversant on these technical issues can cost a client tens of millions of dollars in the stroke of a pen." Mr. Potter then commented, "This is going to be an important issue in 2014 because of the performance of the equity markets last year. If family lawyers do not understand the tax issues, both sides can lose."

Mr. Fisher holds a J.D. from the University of Miami School of Law and is a former Assistant U.S. Attorney for the Southern District of Florida. Worth Magazine identified him as a "pit bull former prosecutor" and one of the "Top 10 Divorce Lawyers" in the country for "big-stakes divorce cases." Mr. Potter holds a B.A. from Princeton University and a J.D. from Yale Law School. He has represented prominent individuals and companies in courts throughout the country, including in the United States Supreme Court. Mr. Fisher and Mr. Potter teamed up in 2011 to represent high-level corporate executives, professional athletes, and wealthy families in many of the largest family cases in the State of Florida.

The online version of the article can be found at http://www.fisherbendeck.com/images/bar_journal_article_2014.pdf

For more information, contact Paula Johnson at (561) 832-1005.

SOURCE Fisher & Bendeck, P.L.