LUXEMBOURG (dpa-AFX) - Industrial recycler Befesa benefited last year from an acquisition in the U.S. zinc business and high metal prices, boosting sales and earnings. However, high energy prices increasingly burdened the company in the course of the year. In the fourth quarter, the group therefore had to accept a decline in profits, as Befesa announced in Luxembourg on Thursday. The industrial recycler increased its adjusted operating profit (Ebitda) by a total of nine percent to 215 million euros in 2022, a record figure. However, the result fell short of the Group's forecast of at least 220 million euros and analysts' expectations. Befesa had already dampened its profit outlook at the end of the third quarter due to high energy costs and capped the upper end of its forecast range.

Net profit improved by six percent to 106.2 million euros last year. Shareholders are to receive an unchanged dividend of 1.25 euros per share. Sales increased by 38 percent to just under 1.14 billion euros. Befesa plans to publish an outlook for the current year with the figures for the first quarter./nas/stk