Magtein is the newest magnesium supplement to step onto the stage, and although it has plenty of competition with the other supplements out on the market today, it does boast one unique advantage: high bioavailability.

Bioavailability is the amount of a specific substance (or supplement, in this instance) that is able to enter circulation in your body through your bloodstream so that the substance results in an active effect. Which is why bioavailability is referred to in terms such as "high" or "low." So where Magtein benefits you is in its ability to effectively enter your body in a way that allows it to actually be of use to your body and your brain.

That being said, because there are a multitude of products on the market, it can be hard to know which claims to trust, and it takes time to go through them all, we've done the work for you. In the below article you'll find answers to questions such as:

  • What is Magtein?
  • What does magnesium do for your brain and body?
  • Do you need magnesium supplements?
  • What do studies say about Magtein and magnesium in general?
  • What are the purported Magtein benefits?
  • What makes Magtein different from other magnesium supplements?
What Is Magtein?

Magtein is the newest patented compound of magnesium, vitamin C, and vitamin D3 that is reported to help support your cognitive functions, improve memory retention, and promote brain health by more effectively crossing the blood-brain barrier. Derived from magnesium L-threonate (MgT), Magtein has not only been shown to improve memory function but also reduce stress and anxiety-like behavior as well.

In the development of Magtein, many factors were considered during the evaluation to determine how exactly this particular magnesium supplement affects cognitive ability, memory, learning, attention, stress, and mood including:

  • Increased brain bioavailability
  • Magnesium concentrations in the brain
  • Executive function
  • Short- and long-term memory
  • Working memory connections
  • Capacity for learning
  • Coping mechanisms and abilities in stressful situations

Despite all its many benefits, before you can understand how Magtein works for you it's important to first take a look at the function of magnesium within your body. Because unless you understand how magnesium plays a role in both your brain and the rest of your body, you won't be able to appreciate how Magtein sets itself apart from the other magnesium supplements on the market today.

Why Magnesium Matters

While you may think of magnesium as nothing more than a mineral found in various rocks, it's actually one of the most abundant minerals in your body, fourth only to calcium, phosphorus, and potassium. It does everything from supporting your various muscle and nerve functions to helping produce energy and relaying signals between your body and your brain.

Magnesium is, quite literally, an essential component necessary for proper brain function. And the two main ways to boost the magnesium levels in your body are to eat a balanced diet and/or take magnesium supplements.

Low levels of magnesium can lead to migraines or even begin to weaken your bones. While it is exceptionally rare for healthy adults to have a magnesium deficiency, a lot of people still don't ingest enough magnesium to meet the recommended daily intake. For example, men aged 19 to 30 should be receiving 400 mg of magnesium a day while women of the same age group should aim for 310 mg. And adults aged 31 and up should take an additional 10 mg a day.

Which is exactly why taking magnesium supplements or adding more magnesium to your diet each day can greatly help you receive the magnesium your body needs in order to help boost your body's natural functions. Some foods high in magnesium include beans, seeds, nuts, yogurt, and milk. Just one ounce of almonds alone contains approximately 20 percent (or 80 mg) of your daily recommended magnesium.

The Origin of Magtein and the Studies Behind It

As neither your body nor brain can produce magnesium, and not everyone is able to receive the amount of magnesium they need from their diet (whether due to allergies or other factors), scientists turned their attention toward developing efficient magnesium supplements.

Take Magtein, for instance. Made up of 144 mg of magnesium L-threonate, 60 mg of vitamin C, and 10 mcg of vitamin D3 in every daily serving, Magtein claims to increase cognitive function over time.

But does it?

Multiple studies have been conducted focusing on the effects of magnesium, magnesium L-threonate, and/or Magtein using randomized, double blind, and placebo controlled groups of both rodents and humans.

According to a 2010 study and 2013 study, Magtein can enhance your learning abilities and various aspects of your memory as well as restoring nerve injury based short-term memory. A 2011 study states that Magtein supplements can lead to a reduction in stress, anxiety, and fear-based behavior. And most importantly, a 2016 study demonstrated Magtein's ability to effectively cross blood-brain barriers to promote cognitive function and abilities.

Vitamin C and vitamin D3 are also included in Magtein for very specific reasons. While vitamin C functions as an antioxidant in your brain, helping to protect your brain from injury and boost your mood, vitamin D3 helps maintain your bone integrity and calcium levels. Both of which also play a role in boosting cognitive functions.

What Sets Magtein Apart from Other Magnesium Supplements?

As we mentioned above, Magceutics claims that what sets their magnesium supplement apart from the rest is Magtein's increased bioavailability. And in fact, through extensive screening and studies performed on rodents, Magtein, created by Dr. Guosong Liu, was identified to be a bioavailable form of magnesium, allowing it to better enter the bloodstream and therefore more effectively impact your brain and body.

In simplest terms, when something has a high bioavailability it means that your body actually uses the majority of the component or supplement, in this case, magnesium, rather than letting it go to waste and pass through your system. And as the only magnesium supplement with a high bioavailability, Magtein is currently the only supplement proven to actually increase your brain's magnesium levels.

How Magtein Benefits You

Magtein is non-GMO and FDA GRAS approved, meaning that it is "Generally Recognized As Safe" under the Federal Food, Drug, and Cosmetic Act, and is currently protected by over ten patents owned by AIDP, Inc. Magceutics lists a number of Magtein benefits, including:

  • Effective magnesium bioavailability
  • Increasing cognitive function (especially during aging)
  • Improving learning
  • Increasing memory retention (both short- and long-term)
  • Supporting focus and attention
  • Enhancing your mood
  • Supporting mental clarity
  • Reducing stress and stress responses
  • Decreasing anxiety responses
  • Helping to metabolize nutrients
  • Helping to maintain the health of your bones and teeth

Magtein is water soluble, has a rapid response time, and comes in multiple delivery forms aside from pills. Thus far, it has been shown to help support your cognitive function as you age as well as aiding the elderly who suffer from mild cognitive impairment. Currently, Magceutics only has Magtein supplements geared toward 20- to 40-year-olds as well as those for adults aged 50 and up. However, Magceutics is working on supplements for both kids and teens.

Always Take Caution with New Supplement Regimens

Despite the numerous studies pertaining to Magtein and its effects, it's important to remember that the above claims relating to cognitive functions, mood, and memory have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration.

And as always, please make sure to consult with a physician if you're pregnant or nursing, or if you are taking medications or have a medical condition, before starting any supplement regimen. While an over-abundance of magnesium isn't typically concerning, some supplements can result in adverse effects when combined with certain medications or antibiotics.

For more information on the many Magtein benefits or other supplements, vitamins, and minerals you might want to consider adding to your daily routine, keep an eye on our frequently updated blog. Interested in staying up to date on the latest supplement news and cbdMD's upcoming special offers? Connect with us on Facebook, Instagram, and Twitter, or chat with someone live today!


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cbdMD Inc. published this content on 08 February 2022 and is solely responsible for the information contained therein. Distributed by Public, unedited and unaltered, on 09 February 2022 05:47:04 UTC.