FRANKFURT (dpa-AFX) - The shares of food delivery service Delivery Hero continued their recent rally on Friday and were among the best performers in the MDax with a gain of almost three percent to 33.14 euros. The index of medium-sized stocks rose by 1.6 percent. Since the beginning of the week, Delivery Hero has currently posted a gain of around 21 percent. This is the largest price increase of all shares listed on the MDax.

A positive development in the gross merchandise value in the past quarter sent Delivery Hero's shares soaring on Tuesday, providing momentum for the rest of the week. On Friday, a positively received analyst commentary from the British investment bank Barclays added to the momentum.

Analyst Andrew Ross pointed out that, according to the news agency Bloomberg, the Chinese delivery giant Meituan was examining a possible takeover of Delivery Hero's Southeast Asia business. Competitor Grab had already been mentioned in the media in September as an interested party for parts of the division. According to the expert, any such transaction is positive for Delivery Hero's debt, financial profile, valuation framework and general perception./la/jha/