Equillium, Inc. announced an update on multi-cytokine programs EQ101 in development for the treatment of alopecia areata, EQ102 in development for the treatment of celiac disease, and EQ302, a new orally delivered multi-cytokine inhibitor. EQ101 Alopecia Areata Phase 2 Study Baseline Characteristics: 36 patients enrolled: 17 male and 19 female; 64% Caucasian; Age range of 18 to 60 years (mean age 38.2 years). Disease severity of patients at enrollment as defined by Severity of ALopecia Tool (SALT): Mean SALT score of 76; 17% Moderate (SALT score 35 to 49); 50% Severe (SALT score 50 to 94); 33% Very Severe (SALT score > 95%).

27 patients (75%) had been on previous treatments with 11 of those patients having history of oral treatments (including steroids, minoxidil, methotrexate, mycophenolate mofetil) and one patient having previous treatment with a systemic JAK inhibitor.