BERLIN (dpa-AFX) - The German travel industry is warning of higher prices for holidaymakers as a result of the German government's planned increase in air traffic tax. The plan would make summer vacations significantly more expensive for many millions of people from Germany, criticized the President of the German Travel Association DRV, Norbert Fiebig, on Thursday. "This is a social issue with explosive force - especially for average earners with families and children," said Fiebig. "It is unacceptable for the German government to carry out its budget problems on the backs of holidaymakers."

At the same time, tour operators fear additional burdens if the increase in air travel tax also affects bookings that have already been made. "As a retroactive price increase for vacation trips that have already been booked is de facto not possible, tour operators would be left with additional costs in the millions". This year in particular, many people have booked their summer vacation especially early./mar/DP/mis