Petrolina (Holdings) Public Ltd. decided to pay interim dividend for 2018 of 5.0% (0.017 per share). The interim dividend will be paid to the company's shareholders registered to the company's Register (Cyprus Stock Exchange (CSE)) on May 29, 2018 (record date). Therefore, the ex-dividend date is May 28, 2018. The interim dividend will be paid to the company's shareholders on June 15, 2018.

The board of Director at its meeting on May 21, 2018 resolved the following changes in the structure of the board of directors: Mr. Kikis Lefkaritis, one of the founders of the Petrolina Group of Companies, expressed his wish to retire from the office of Executive Chairman of the Company's Board of Directors and Board Member. As a sign of minimum appreciation and in recognition of his contribution of many years, the Board of Directors decided to suggest to the upcoming Annual General Meeting of the Company to declare Mr. Kiki Lefkariti Lifelong Honorary Chairman with the right to attend the meetings of the Board of Directors; Mr. Costakis Lefkaritis, Executive Director, assumes the duties of new Executive Chairman; Mr. Dinos Lefkaritis, Executive Director, assumes the duties of Chief Executive Officer; Mr. Marios Lefkaritis, and Mrs. Georgia Lefkariti Ioannou, Members of the Board of Directors, assume executive duties.