Trygg-Hansa extends its enterprise agreement with Twiik, which means that Twiik delivers a Pregnancy and maternity workout app based on Twiik's platform and ecosystem for digital workouts. The app is aimed at both pregnant women and new mothers. Twiik provides both
the app and its coaching tool, enabling Trygg-Hansa to coach and continuously develop its offering to its customers. Maternity workouts are growing and more expectant and new mothers are getting help and inspiration from professional coaches. In the app, the user receives help from Trygg-Hansa's training expert for pregnant and new mothers, Anna R. Landaeus. In addition to customized workout programs, it is possible to ask
Anna for advice via the "Ask Anna" function. Users can also delve into different topics as the app offers knowledge-enhancing articles, movies, and sound clips. For example, they can find articles about workouts during pelvic-related pain, how the body is affected during pregnancy,
how hard can actually work out during pregnancy, and how to get started after childbirth.