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(Incorporated in the Cayman Islands with limited liability) (Stock code: 2389) LIST OF DIRECTORS AND THEIR ROLE AND FUNCTION

The members of the board of directors (the "Board") of Genvon Group Limited are set out below:

Executive Directors

Mr. Zhu Shi Xing (Chairman)
Mr. Zhang Jing Ming (Chief Executive Officer) Mr. Wang Zheng Chun
Mr. Gu Shan Chao Mr. Liu Xue Heng Mr. Hu Xiao Yong

Independent Non-Executive Directors

Mr. Wu Yong Xi
Mr. Tse, Man Kit, Keith
Mr. Xie Ming
The Board has set up four committees and their memberships are set out below:

Audit Committee

Mr. Tse, Man Kit, Keith (Chairman of the committee)
Mr. Xie Ming
Mr. Wu Yong Xin

Remuneration Committee

Mr. Xie Ming (Chairman of the committee)
Mr. Tse, Man Kit, Keith
Mr. Wu Yong Xin

Nomination Committee

Mr. Wu Yong Xin (Chairman of the committee)
Mr. Zhu Shi Xing
Mr. Tse, Man Kit, Keith
Mr. Xie Ming

Investment and Risk Management Committee Mr. Gu Shan Chao (Chairman of the committee) Mr. Zhu Shi Xing

Mr. Liu Xue Heng
Mr. Lam Ka Tak

By Order of the Board Genvon Group Limited Zhu Shi Xing


Hong Kong, 27 March 2015

As at the date of this announcement, the Board comprises six Executive Directors, namely Mr. Zhu Shi Xing, Mr. Zhang Jing Ming, Mr. Gu Shan Chao, Mr. Liu Xue Heng, Mr. Hu Xiao Yong and Mr. Wang Zheng Chun and three Independent Non-Executive Directors, namely Mr. Wu Yong Xi, Mr. Tse, Man Kit, Keith and Mr. Xie Ming.

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