Limited announced that Mr. Greg Roebuck, the company's managing director (MD) and chief executive officer (CEO) since 2002, will retire from his position and the board has appointed Mr. Cameron McIntyre, currently carsales' chief operating officer (COO) as the next CEO and MD effective 17 March 2017. Cameron McIntyre is 46 years of age and commenced at carsales in May 2007 as the chief financial officer & company secretary. His responsibilities included finance, administration, mergers and acquisitions, legal & regulatory, human resources, investor relations, private seller advertising, customer service, trust & safety and company secretary.

He also played a key role in the IPO of the company in September 2009. In October 2014 Cameron became the chief operating officer of the company which expanded his responsibilities to include the oversight of carsales editorial, marketing, RedBook and data services.