Cytophage Technologies Ltd. announced that it has completed research and development of its OvaPhage product, and is preparing to conduct field trials in Canada as a final step before commercialization. Cytophage has been in longstanding discussions with Canadian industry leaders who have sought alternatives to the currently available disinfectant products used in egg production. As a result, Cytophage has developed OvaPhage, its next product in the FarmPhage line.

OvaPhage is a bacteriophage product that will address bacteria such as Salmonella, Escherichia, and Shigella on the surface of eggs. OvaPhage is an disinfectant bacteriophage product that, in laboratory studies, reduces 90% of bacterial load on egg shells. OvaPhage is also environmentally friendly, non-toxic and does not damage the cuticle of the egg.

Cytophage developed OvaPhage based on its proprietary bacteriophage technology, and has tested it in its laboratories over the past 9 months. Cytophage is now preparing for field trials which will involve testing the product in poultry barns. OvaPhage will be spray on the eggs using the existing closed spray systems available in poultry barns.

The Company's national poultry advisor has indicated that Canadian egg producers would welcome new products that will decrease spoilage and increase revenues while not requiring new application processes. To facilitate this step, an Experimental Studies Certificate application is being prepared for submission to the Canadian Food Inspection Agency. An application for regulatory approval in the United States has been submitted and a similar regulatory approval submission for Canada is currently being developed.

Upon completion of field testing and regulatory approvals, the Company expects to commence commercialization of OvaPhage across Canada.