Kolinpharma S.p.A. (BIT:KIP) commences a share repurchases on April 28, 2022, under the program mandated by the shareholders in the Combined General Meeting held on April 28, 2022. As per the mandate, the company is authorized to repurchase its own shares such that the company's holding does not exceed 20% of the share capital. In any case, the shares may be purchased at a price not higher than 15% in the maximum and no lower than 15% in the minimum compared to the price recorded by the share in the trading session preceding each single purchase.

The program is aimed at providing the company with the provision of treasury shares to be allocated, among other things, to the service of stock incentive plans, reserved for employees an /or directors and/or collaborators of the company. The authorization will be valid for a period of 18 months.