Lion Group Holding Ltd. announced that it will increase its investment in R&D innovation, especially in the areas of large AI models, AI content generation (AIGC) and other fields. The initiative empowers core fintech business products and services, based on the application and research of cutting-edge artificial intelligence (AI) technologies such as ChatGPT and ERNIE Bot (China's ChatGPT equivalent). These efforts will also enable the Company to upgrade its technology, integrate business solutions, optimize user experience, reduce costs, improve quality, increase efficiency, achieve differentiated, professional, and characteristic development, and create an important vehicle for profitable growth.

Lion, with its professional technical team, has successfully created Robo-Advisor LionAI, which has entered the internal testing phase. In a later stage, the LionAI tool can provide customers with a number of AI products and services such as digital humans, smart financial Q&A, and customer service robots, which would be applied to the Company's core traditional financial business segments including insurance, securities, and wealth management. LionAI may also provide smart financial advisory services including account opening, fee payment, insurance and underwriting, stock selection and diagnosis, asset allocation, investment education encyclopedia, and data retrieval, and it will be gradually upgraded to a chatbot powered by AI large language model.

From the perspective of commercial value, LionAI is believed to have the potential to become a leading AI natural language and intelligent investment advisory system in the field of financial technology.