Lion Group Holding Ltd. announced that the Company has accelerated the development of AI technology to empower core business products and services. Lion utilizes AI technology to further enable value enhancement of its Hong Kong-based Over-The-Counter stock options business and sustain a consistent trend of profit growth. Lion embraces the AI era, prioritizing customer needs, and continuously developing a range of AI-based products and services, including Robo-Advisor "LionAI" and intelligent trading algorithms " Phoenix".

With a focus on the options business, the Company has developed an AI-powered trading system. This system, built using the efficient and secure Rust programming language, is based on message bus application technology architecture that utilizes the Apache Flink workflow engine. It connects with high-speed market data, concurrently processes outstanding contracts, and ensures efficient and accurate valuation.

The system achieves end-to-end electronic integration of functions including contract bookkeeping, trading, hedging, clearing, reporting, and risk management. The system complies with regulation, through functions such as investor suitability, underlying asset blacklists, and margin monitoring, whilst also helping to prevent market-related risks, further improving the overall customer trading experience. Lion is enhancing the integration of AI technology with stock options for business and services.

By leveraging advanced AI algorithms and data insights, combined with market big data analysis, Lion is constructing distinctive position and exposure management models for its options business and services. This initiative enables the selection of suitable hedging tools and hedge ratios for indices, individual stocks, and related underlying assets. It includes real-time monitoring and evaluation as well as continuous focus on optimizing trading returns.

With the advantages of high flexibility, leverage efforts, risk control, and global trading, Lion's options business and products enable investors to adapt better to diverse market environments and investment objectives. The options services provide opportunities for higher returns while hedging specific market risks, and allow more flexible asset allocation.