BERLIN (dpa-AFX) - Economics Minister Robert Habeck wants to expand solar energy in Germany much faster with a package of measures. The Green politician presented a strategy after another "photovoltaic summit" with industry representatives in Berlin on Friday.

Specifically, sufficient areas are to be made available for ground-mounted systems and planning and approval procedures are to become faster, according to the ministry. In order to use more roofs of multi-family houses for photovoltaics, a new model for joint building supply is to be introduced. This should enable the on-site use of solar power for all parties in the house. So-called balcony PV should be easy to use, and the systems should be able to be connected quickly.

A first summit with representatives of the industry had taken place in March. Habeck called photovoltaics one of the most favorable energy sources of all. The construction of new plants is picking up. The aim of the strategy is to significantly accelerate expansion once again. All the brakes that have so far prevented a faster pace of expansion are to be removed.

The German Solar Industry Association welcomed the plans. Only with comprehensive energy policy reforms and a consistent dismantling of investment barriers will it be possible to increase the share of photovoltaics from the current level of just over 10 percent to 30 percent in the next ten years, while at the same time electricity consumption will grow strongly. The association's chief executive, Carsten Kornig, said, "We need the speed of light everywhere."/hoe/DP/jha