STRASBOURG (dpa-AFX) - EU Commission President Ursula von der Leyen wants to withdraw a proposal for an environmental protection law against high pesticide use in the face of vehement protests by farmers in the EU. However, the issue is not off the table, von der Leyen announced in the European Parliament on Tuesday. In consultation with stakeholders such as farmers and environmental organizations, the Commission was able to present a new proposal.

Around four months before the European elections, von der Leyen is thus taking a further step towards farmers who feel disproportionately put under pressure by EU environmental regulations. In recent weeks, farmers have demonstrated - sometimes violently - against EU regulations, among other things.

Farmers were actually supposed to significantly restrict the use of pesticides in the coming years. Specifically, according to the Commission's proposal, a total of 50 percent fewer pesticides should be used by 2030. Among other things, this was intended to combat species extinction. The proposal was rejected in the EU Parliament. There are also debates among the EU member states.

Von der Leyen described it as a legitimate goal to reduce the risks posed by chemical pesticides. However, the proposal had polarized opinion. She would therefore suggest to her colleagues in the Commission that it be withdrawn. It is unclear when a new proposal could be made./mjm/DP/mis